What is safe for puppies with fleas

When dealing with fleas on a puppy, it is important to utilize safe and effective flea treatment products. There are many safe and effective flea medications available for puppies over 6 weeks of age. Talk to your veterinarian to find out what product may be best for your puppy. Some examples of safe flea treatments are oral medications (such as Comfortis, NexGard, Bravecto and Trifexis), spot-on monthly treatments (such as Advantage II, Advantix II, Revolution Plus or Activyl) and shampoos.

When using any flea treatment on a puppy, be sure to follow the label instructions closely; some products are not labeled for use in puppies less than 8 weeks old or puppies under 2 lbs of body weight. Your veterinarian can provide you with protocol specifically tailored to your pet’s needs.

In addition to treating the pet, the environment must also be treated in order to break the cycle of infestation. Vacuuming carpets, furniture and other areas where pets spend time will help remove adult fleas and eggs from these areas; discard vacuum bags after use during an infestation as they can still harbor live fleas that can emerge later. Products such as Zodiac Spot On Flea & Tick Control or Vet’s Best Flea & Tick Home Spray can help treat carpets, furniture and bedding safely in households with pets that has been approved by the EPA for use around animals over 12 weeks old.

Bathing With Natural Flea Rinse

Bathing with a natural flea rinse is one of the safest ways to rid your puppy of fleas. The natural flea rinse keeps harsh chemicals off of your puppy’s delicate skin — but it still gets rid of the fleas efficiently!

The best part about using a natural flea rinse? You can make it yourself! All you have to do is mix one cup apple cider vinegar, four tablespoons witch hazel, and then add water to fill a gallon jug. Shake it up and seresto collars pour some in your hands. Massage your pup’s fur starting at the head and working towards their tail — don’t get too close to their eyes or nose area. Rinse your pup off with lukewarm water afterward.

For added effectiveness, add two cloves of garlic that you’ve crushed into either a food processor or grinder into the mixture for an extra kick against fleas. Just don’t let them lick the mixture off their fur during the bath as it may make them sick. With this natural bathing method, you’re sure to have a happier, healthier pup free of pesky fleas!

Vacuuming Regularly

Vacuuming is one of the best ways to get rid of fleas from your pet and their environment. Vacuuming does not just remove fleas but also helps remove particles of their cocoons, eggs and larvae, which makes it extremely effective for controlling flea populations. Furthermore, vacuuming can create physical disruption that interrupts the life cycle process of the flea as well as helping reduce allergens in your home caused by fleabites.

When vacuuming with a puppy present make sure to use a vacuum with an adjustable hose to get close to them without scaring them away. Vacuum thoroughly under furniture, along baseboards and around carpets where adult fleas are most likely found. After vacuuming dispose of the dirt bag immediately or empty the canister into a sealed plastic bag before disposing it outside. Vacuum regularly –– at least twice a week –– to ensure that your puppy stays healthy and free from any potential flea infestation!

Applying Commercially Available Entire Home Solutions

One of the safest and most effective ways to rid your puppy of fleas is to apply commercially available entire home solutions. These solutions contain specially formulated products that can effectively eliminate both flea larvae and adults, as well as other pests such as ticks, mites and ants.

For the best results, start by vacuuming all carpets, upholstered furniture, rugs and pet beds in your home. Collect the contents in a sealed garbage bag and discard it immediately. Vacuuming can remove up to 50% of existing fleas from your home.

Next, select an appropriately sized product for your entire home environment based on square footage size or number of rooms. The product will contain instructions about exactly how much and where you should apply the insecticide solution – such as around baseboard and cracks where larvae hide – taking care to keep the product away from any pet bedding or feed dishes.

Finally, ensure that the product is safe for puppies by checking with your veterinarian before applying the solution and following all necessary precautions on the label when handling it yourself.

Final note

Keeping your puppy comfortable while managing fleas requires smart choices to ensure you stay within safe limits of products and dosages. Researching updated information and working with your veterinarian is the best way to protect your pet from pests.

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